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Grease Containment Systems

Where a commercial kitchen is properly designed, the airborne grease, fumes and particles will be sucked up into the exhaust system where it accumulates, leaving deposits of grease in the hood and inside the filters/baffles.

As it passes through the system, the grease continues till it reaches up into the ducting and up through the fan. Over time the grease drops onto the rooftop or down the wall fan – depending on the style of your fan.

An efficient grease containment system addresses and maintains this grease accumulation when your kitchen exhaust system receives its regularly scheduled cleaning. Even though this system helps collect grease and to some degree protect the roof, it is important to maintain regular inspections and keep up with the preservation of the containment system with the removal of the collected grease. The priority is to keep the grease accumulation off your roof surface to prevent it from becoming a grease sponge, which damages your roof creating a major fire hazard.

All Grease containment systems work on the same principle and available in various styles and sizes. To determine which unit best suits your system is realizing how well the volume of captured grease is retained in the ‘diaper or cotton pad’ while it releases clear water on your roof.  (diapers are replaced with KEC service)

A properly installed grease containment system can be your friend and require little maintenance by your service provider. Our certified crew has the knowledge, training and experience to understand whether a problem exists and inform you of the status on your After Service Report.

Together we can work through any issue.