NFPA has been helping to solve some of the planet’s toughest problems for more than 125 years. To remain relevant for over a century as a knowledge information organization they have continually evolved their scope of expertise such as fire prevention, wildfire preparedness, electrical safety hazardous materials, community risk reduction and public safety. The National Fire Protection Association – code 96 is the standard for ventilation control and fire protection of commercial cooking operations. NFPA is committed to providing people with products, services and other information needed to be safe at work.
Upon inspection, if the exhaust system is found to be contaminated with deposits from grease-laden vapors, the contaminated portions of the exhaust system shall be cleaned by a properly trained, qualified and certified person(s) acceptable to the (AHJ’s) – local Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Table11.4 – Exhaust System Inspection Schedule
Type of Volume of cooking and frequency:
Monthly: Systems serving solid fuel cooking operations.
Quarterly: Systems serving high-volume cooking operations such as 24-hour cooking, charbroiling, or wok cooking.
Semi-annually: Systems serving moderate-volume cooking operations.
Annually: Systems serving low-volume cooking operations, such as churches, day camps, seasonal businesses, or senior centers.